Words of the weeks

Over the past couple months I’ve been saving words that I deem archaeic, funny, or innapropriate to use in casual conversation. I’ve been saving them and hope to integrate them into my lexicon. Many of these words I don’t remember where I heard them or what prompted me to save them.

Neophyte – someone who is a phyte to new things

Phyte (suffix) – new/unfamiliar to a concept

Sire – to cause the birth of

Ingenue – the stereotypical character of an innocent or unsophisticated young woman. Common character in theater.

Erroneous – Wrong or incorrect

Ignominious – deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. Learned this one from the song “ignominious and pale”.

Superfluous – unnecessary, more than enough, being excessive

Astute – strong ability to assess a situation, similar to witty/sharp

Verbose – using more words than are needed

Eloquent – speaking in a way that is fluent and articulate

Serfhood – state of being a serf

Sojourn – A short stay or visit

Debacle – a failure, fiasco, failure

Manfriday – a dependable and loyal worker/right hand

Pontificate – express one’s opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way (stroke one’s ego)

Dogma – something like an opinion stated as absolute truth

Besieged – when something has been laid siege

Muse – person or personified thing that is the source of inspiration for an artist

Corpulent – fat

Forestall – prevent or obstruct from something to happen

Diatribe – forceful bitter verbal attack, similar to a tirade

Predilection – a preference or bias in favor of something

Agnostic – someone who believes that god is unprovable and unknowable. Resigned to being uncommitted. Believes nothing can be proven or disproven.

Plutocracy – government run by the wealthy

Malaise – feeling of discomfort with a cause that is hard to identify

Svelte – slender and elegant

Callipygian – having well shaped buttocks

Gamine – (of a young woman) attractively boyish

Pariah – a person rejected or despised by society

Hegemony – leadership or dominance of one group over others

Acumen – ability to make good judgements and decisions

Imperative – highly important, vital

Laconic – speech using very few words

Lampoon – publicly criticize using ridicule irony or sarcasm

Licentious – promiscuous or unprincipled in sexual matters

Lexicon – the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge 

Philistine – someone who is hostile or indifferent to culture/art

Impetus – the force or energy with which a body moves

Filibuster – to debate with the goal of stalling a final decision. Reference Bernie Sanders 8 and a 1/2 hour filibuster

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